Most common skin condition in the US
Blockage in hair follicles cause whiteheads or blackheads
Affecting more than the skin, acne may impact one's emotional health
Treatment is very successful against current acne and potential scarring
Treatment usually involves topical creams such as a retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and/or antibiotics
In women hormonal therapy may be appropriate and in severe cases Isotretinoin is commonly used

Acne Scars
Sometimes as a result of acne cysts and nodules, scars form due to damaged collagen
While prevention is the best treatment, we offer non-surgical minimally invasive procedures that can restore your skin to a smoother, softer texture
Our treatments may include chemical peels and/or laser fractional procedures with our Inmode Morpheus8 technology
Cysts come in a huge variety of color, form, texture and tissue type
They are often painless, harmless and do not require treatment
When treatment is preferred or required, surgical excision or cryotherapy produces excellent results

/Atopic Dermatitis
Patches of red, dry and/or itchy skin usually appearing first in childhood before 5 years of age
Dry scaly patches commonly develop in the creases of the knees and elbows
For some, flares reoccur throughout adulthood
Eczema is not contagious, but may become infected with scratching and irritation
Treatment varies for each case, but usually consists of a skin care regimen, topical medications and at times antibiotics or immunomodulatory agents.

Hair Loss
Excessive hair loss may be due to heredity, autoimmune disease, stress and/or illness
Hair loss affects both men and women and may be emotionally distressing
After diagnosis, treatment may involve a combination of topical medications, scalp injections and other cosmetic procedures

Moles are usually harmless, but sometimes skin cancer develops in or near a mole
Moles are round or oval, one color throughout (color varies), flat or raised and are unchanging
It is important to check your moles regularly for changes in symmetry, border, color and size
Suspicious moles are removed and examined for signs of cancer
Proper sun protection is the best prevention to prevent changing moles and skin cancer
Raised pink plaques with silvery scales occurring anywhere on the skin and nails are common features in psoriasis
May be mentally and emotionally distressing
Psoriasis is caused by a combination of genetics and environmental triggers and is not contagious
Diagnosis is important to individually tailor treatment
Psoriasis may be stubborn and require a variety of treatments such as topical and oral medications, laser/light therapy and at times IV biologics

Redness on the nose and cheeks with acne-like breakouts with thin veins are signs of rosacea
Usually occurs between 30 and 50 years of age in fair skinned individuals with a history of severe acne
Treatment involves medications to control outbreaks and may include procedures such as our Inmode Lumecca laser

Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US
Skin cancer can occur in all skin types, but a history of sunburns, tanning bed use, weak immune system and family history of skin cancer increases individual risk
Skin cancer commonly appears as dome-shaped growth, rough red patches, a sore that does not heal or changing mole patterns
Early and proper diagnosis is crucial to cure the cancer and prevent its spread, which can be fatal
Sun protection remains the best protection from skin cancer

Sun Spots and Pigmentation
Over time frequent unprotected sun exposure can lead to uneven darkening and patchiness of the skin
Differentiation between age spots and cancers is critical before skin pigment restoration procedures
After consultation various treatments are available including topical medications, chemical peels and procedures such as our Inmode Lumecca laser
Sun Damage and Aging
Skin Cancer
As we age our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic
Wrinkles often form in the areas of the skin with the most sun exposure such as the face, arms and hands
Sun protection remains the best form of prevention, but treatment can reduce wrinkles and loose skin
Creams and peels can help, but for more lasting treatment, deep restoration is available with our Inmode Morpheus8 laser

Caused by the human papilloma virus, warts may be rough or smooth, dark or skin colored depending on where it is growing on the body.
Treatment varies depending on the case and may include various topical medications, freezing or surgical extraction
In children warts may resolve on their own over time without treatment